Thursday, September 11, 2008



I'm taking Japanese this year because I've always liked various Japanese cultures. As a child, I enjoyed playing video games (and still do) and watching Japanese animation. I also read many mangas of different genres. In short, I very much appreciate many things Japanese, and wish to further my understanding of the country and its customs and cultures.

I'm excited about learning kanji, because it's based off of Chinese and it'd be nice to see the workings of my own cultures within the Japanese culture.
So far, I'm finding memorizing hiragana a bit difficult. I cannot manage to recognize a hiragana symbol in an instant's notice, and require some amount of time to remember the symbol's pronunciation.


Hamada said...

As a child, I also enjoyed playing video games and still do :)

David said...

こんにちわワングさん。げんきですか? Question for you: Did you play Zelda: Twilight Princess? I know I'm about 2 years behind, but I started it a while ago and am now getting around to finishing it. I really enjoy it and I'm wondering if there are any other games around now that you know of that might be similar? BTW, I have a Wii.

masamune2130 said...

Aw, sorry, I don't really follow the Zelda franchise. I'm more of a Xbox360 and PS3 person. I will admit I thought about getting a Wii, but I'm tapped out as it is. I did hear that Zelda: Twilight Princess is a good game, though. There are many other games that are similar, but I don't really know any on the Wii. And the ones I play are, er, kind of violent. So unless you're a fan of various types of mutilation (most of the times just outright slaughter), I wouldn't have any games to recommend. Sumimasen. Yeah, I just realized I can't type Hiragana on my computer. Ugh. Ja, mata ashita.

Christianity said...

Zelda was a good game. I wish I had PS3 so I couldve played Metal Gear. Are you into shooters?

Christianity said...
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ROAR said...

I have Nintendo Wii too, its soo much fun. I know that this game is not related to Zelda at all but Mario Kart for Wii is fun. Its a really great game when you are playing with other people. And do you know any good newer games for 360? I have to wait until after the first semester to bring it to school but I want to get some new games for it.

ROAR said...

and that pokemon on my blog is the one I was talking about in class.

ハリー said...

はじめまして! You commented on my blog (白黒夢)and I just wanted to say ありがとう。

David said...

かんじはとてもむずかしですよ!I'm jealous you already understand it. BTW,ゼルーダおわりました!ながいでしたでもたのshかったです。